Why now....?
Last week I experienced a nasty situation and I feel the need to share that with you. I have been planning to start a blog for a long time to share my knowledge and experience in the field of Brazilian waxing. It just didn't happen because, as an entrepreneur, I have my hands full running my business. I now realize that I just have to start somewhere and last week's event encouraged me not to wait any longer.
As many of you know, I am very involved in my work. I always do my job with a lot of love and personal attention for every woman that lies down on my treatment table. I can't help being naturally interested in people and I always like to get to know them better. Before I know, I end up in very deep conversations with all kinds of different people. Which i enjoy immensely!
How is she doing?
After so many years in this profession, I can say that I have built a strong bond with many of my customers. Even though our contact usually never goes beyond the time we have during a treatment in our cozy treatment room. Yet that is often enough for me to feel a bond with someone. Despite the fact that I am aware that this does not have to be mutual and that it is primarily a business relationship. Sometimes a customer suddenly stops coming without further information. In the past, everything went through my head. How is she doing? Is everything okay? Did I perhaps do something wrong? Is she no longer satisfied with my treatment? And much more. Today I think: i hope she is doing well! As I have grown in my profession, I have learned to let it go. I can do nothing but miss her and remain professional. After all, customers come and go.
A new system
At the beginning of this month my new website finally went online. I also immediately invested in an online booking system. Yes, I know, I should have done that much earlier. But due to all kinds of circumstances, I unfortunately could not get it done earlier.
Last week something went wrong with importing my customer base to the new online booking system. As a result, some customers were shown the wrong data when logging in. Fortunately, I was informed in time by one of my dear customers that something was wrong. And within no time the cause was found and the problem solved 😥.
Bye bye world....
A few days later that same client came to the salon for her treatment. After a warm greeting she said: "Yes, Cristina how nice that the problem has been solved. I thought it was very strange because the woman whose details I could see has already died!"
I said, "Died? No, that is not possible. She is a very young and energetic woman who has just had another child, you are mistaken!"
She replied: "No, so you don't know yet, I googled her and ended up on her Facebook page, and on it was her funeral invitation for February 21st, she just passed away!"
I very much hoped she was wrong, but she showed me the facebook page. And indeed that was unmistakably Heln with her broad smile on all kinds of beautiful photos. There was also a farewell sentence, saying; “Bye bye world... I think it has been beautiful. Life is good!"
A message from above...?
Well, I can only say that I really had a very long day that day! What a sadness! I myself have already had to bury almost my entire family and that is why I can deal with death quite well. I don't cry fast. But at that moment I could only hug my client and let the tears roll.
It may sound like a cliché, but Heln was really a wonderful person. She always left positive energy behind after she had been with me in the salon. I had super nice conversations with her for years. And if nothing had gone wrong when importing my client base, I probably would never have known that she died! Unfortunately I can no longer do anything for her except pray for her and her loved ones.
Of the thousands of people in my customer base, it was her data that showed up, how crazy is that? I don't believe in coincidence, and I don't know what to do with this, but I will certainly take a lesson from it! If only, the realisation that life can indeed be very short.
R.I.P 🌸
Heln Atmowirono
02-02-1981 - 12-02-2019

"There are a few people who know me well enough,
who know how I am structured and how they should approach me (or not) without disturbing my positive vibe. Very simple: they do not leave pity in their message. A small nuance that makes a world of difference for me." - Heln AtmowironoHey lady...
Hey lady, you who for whatever reason didn't come to the salon anymore. I hope you are well and that you live in peace and good health! I want you to know that I have learned numerous lessons from all our conversations and I hope so have you. Know that I keep you in my mind and that I think back to you with love and joy. And if for some reason I have ever been unfriendly or too harsh to you, I ask you to forgive me. I'm sorry